Firstly, login to your DDNS account on the top right of our website.

Once logged in, select Products / Services on the left-hand side, then click View next to the service you want to work with.

Click the Manage / Login To Plesk link from your control panel (orange button).

The hosting contorl panel will load in a new window.

Click the Websites & Domains tab.

Click FTP Access icon.

You will now be presented with a list of the existing FTP logins.

To edit an existing account, click on the username. You will then be able to enter a new FTP password without knowing the old one.


To Create An Additional FTP Account

Click the Create Additional FTP Account button. Tip:  If you run the mouse over the icon for a few seconds it will tell you how many FTP accounts you are using and how many you can create.  You will now be asked for an

FTP Account Name: This is the username you will use to log in to their FTP client. Beware the user name is cASE SensitiVE!

Home Directory: Use this to limit a user to a specific folder and its sub directories, e.g.  /example would limit them to putting files in the example subfolder or its sub directories. If no home directory is specified, they have access to all files and folders in the account.

Password: Set account password. Please try to ensure it's of at least medium strength, using the password meter as a guide. If you need help choosing a stronger password, click this article here We have systems in place to prevent people from trying to repeatedly guess passwords in a short space of time, however if you have a 'weak' password, you are really asking for trouble.FTP settings

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