Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a 'free' domain name, regardless of what other registrars may tell you. However, at Discount Domain Name Services, we have a number of FREE options for you. For example, if you register a domain name with us, you get a FREE trial of web presence builder to design your own site. We also offer FREE DNS hosting, FREE expiry notifications and a FREE management console. If you already have existing .au domain names with another registrar and want to bring them to us, well you can transfer them for FREE.
DDNS is certified by auDA as an accredited Australian registrar. We are the first registrar to be awarded auDA ISS Compliance, based on the ISO 27001 world standard.
As part of the Total Internet Group, we support the community through initiatives that benefit both metropolitan and regional areas. Our promotion of the CGDN community is accompanied by our service to the entertainment community, providing Entertainers Assist with a suite of IT services.